Functionality or User Interface First? Part 2 – Functionality First strategy

Prioritizing the development of the key features and functionality over user interface design is known as the “functionality first” strategy.
This method, which is more technically focused, tries to make sure that the software complies with the necessary requirements and standards.


  • Technical feasibility: You may make sure that the application is technically possible and can be developed within the given resources and time by putting the functionality first.
  • Complete features: You can make sure that you build an application that meets with all necessary requirements and standards by giving priority to the core features and functionality.
  • Early testing: You can begin testing the essential components early in the development process by developing the functionality first. This will enable you to find any problems or bugs before you begin designing the user interface.


  • Poor usability: Application usability and aesthetic appeal can suffer if functionality is given priority over user interface. User engagement and satisfaction may decline as a result of this.
  • Lack of user feedback: You run the risk of missing out on important user feedback that could enhance the usability and user experience if you construct the functionality first.

What next?

User Interface First Strategy will be further discussed in part 3.

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